Find Active Dimensions for a Legal Entity in Ax2012

Please use the below code to find the active dimension by legal entity. it will be useful when we do data upload.

static void getActiveFinancialDimensions(Args _args)
    DimensionAttributeSetItem   dimAttrSetItem; // Contains the number of dimensions active for a account structure ledger
    DimensionAttribute          dimAttr; // Contains the financial dimensions records
    DimensionEnumeration        dimensionSetId; //Record id for table that contains active dimensions for current ledger
    int dimAttrCount;
    //Get the record Id (dimension set id) for current ledger to find active dimensions
    dimensionSetId = DimensionCache::getDimensionAttributeSetForLedger();
    //Find the count of active dimensions for current ledger except main account
    select count(RecId) from dimAttr
            where dimAttr.Type != DimensionAttributeType::MainAccount
        join RecId from dimAttrSetItem
            where dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttribute == dimAttr.RecId &&
                dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttributeSet == dimensionSetId;
    info(strFmt("Total active financial dimensions for current legal entity: %1", dimAttr.RecId));
    //Find all the active dimensions for current ledger except main account and display them
    while select * from dimAttr
        order by Name
            where dimAttr.Type != DimensionAttributeType::MainAccount
        join RecId from dimAttrSetItem
            where dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttribute == dimAttr.RecId &&
                dimAttrSetItem.DimensionAttributeSet == dimensionSetId



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