Hi, X++ code to generate check (cheque) from Vendor payment journal (generate payments). Note: In the Method of payment field, select a method of payment that uses the Check export file format. //*********************************** /*To print check 1) PaymMode - must be filled in LedgerJournalTrans (in paymMode = export format to be check) 2) OffsetAccountType = Bank in LedgerJournalTrans 3) Generate Payment dialog, bank account = Offset Bank account in LedgerJournalTrans*/ //************************************* static void GenerateCheque_VendorPayment(Args _args) { LedgerJournalTrans LedgerJournalTrans = LedgerJournalTrans::findRecId(5637186584, true); VendSumForPaym vendSumForPaym; boolean ...